Create a School Improvement Plan | Schools That Lead

A Proven School Improvement Plan for Student Success.

Superintendents, principals, and teachers play a pivotal role in student learning. By utilizing improvement science, educational leaders can follow a proven school improvement plan and promote a culture of academic excellence.

school improvement plan

Why Join a School Improvement Network?

Reduce the number of students in your school with early warning indicators for attendance, behavior and course performance.

  • Embed proven improvement strategies in your context.

  • Make use of short-cycle, actionable data for classroom-based and school-wide improvement.

  • Harness the power of a network of like-minded educators across the state to accelerate improvement.

What is Improvement Science?

Improvement science is a learning approach to continuous enhancement across organizations, particularly in educational settings. It enables schools to make informed, impactful enhancements to student outcomes while actively engaging educators.

Rooted in data-driven decision-making and iterative cycles of testing and adaptation, it empowers educators to identify and address complex challenges faced in classroom management. Through collaborative learning communities of educators, improvement science ensures the targeted application of evidence-based interventions and promotes teacher adaptability. Improvement science also emphasizes sustainable, positive change.


How Does Improvement Science Work in Schools?

Students falling off-track in their academic journey have a direct correlation with an educator’s satisfaction in their profession. This is especially worrisome, with over 75% of states facing a teacher shortage in 2023, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The teacher shortage is bound to turn into an American education crisis, with the demand for teachers expected to outpace the supply by over 100,000 by 2025.

Creating a positive environment for students and teachers is not mutually exclusive. That’s why a shift to implementing improvement science is an immediate need. 

Dana C. Diesel

President and CEO, Schools That Lead

Dana is President and CEO of Schools That Lead, Inc. She also teaches courses at Wilmington University on the use of improvement science in schools to students pursuing their doctorates in educational leadership. Previously Dana led school development efforts at a state-wide education non-profit in North Carolina and worked as a teacher, assistant principal, principal, central services director, and superintendent in states throughout the country. Dana has an EdD from Teachers College, Columbia University, a master's from Harvard Graduate School of Education and a bachelor's from Old Dominion University.

“[I am] actually observing and recording immediate positive academic, attendance and/or behavioral results for students that need it the most. This is very empowering to me because I don’t have to wait for benchmarks, EOGs, or graduation to see that what I am doing for these students is moving them in the right direction!”

- North Carolina Teacher

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