New York School Improvement Network | Schools That Lead

New York School Improvement Plans

Concerned about students falling off-track?

Struggling to boost student attendance?

How many kids in your school are failing?

We teach New York educators the improvement science tools they need to solve complex problems in classroom management so that every student learns powerfully.

We are Schools That Lead.

Schools That Lead is a dedicated team of education professionals that support educational leaders in New York through the principles of improvement science, aimed at enhancing student learning. Our team is comprised of former teachers, school and district administrators, and non-profit leaders that share the mission of teacher empowerment in the classroom and promoting equitable education in New York’s schools.


Our Educational Leadership Experts


Chief Analytics Officer


President and CEO


Why join our NewYork school improvement network?

Reduce the number of students in your school with early warning indicators for attendance, behavior and course performance.

Embed proven improvement strategies in your context.

Make use of short-cycle, actionable data for classroom-based and school-wide improvement.

Harness the power of a network of like-minded educators across the state to accelerate improvement.

Request a FREE School Performance Review

Complete the form or call us at (919) 710-0742 to connect with a Schools That Lead representative.

Fill Out the Form to Download the Guide

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