Improvement Science | Schools That Lead

An Introduction to Improvement Science

Overview of the principles and methods of improvement science, including its history and applications in education.


What is Improvement Science?

Improvement science is a continuous learning approach aimed at fostering organizational enhancements, especially within educational settings. It allows schools to make data-informed, effective improvements to student outcomes by involving educators in the process. Based on data-driven decision-making and iterative testing cycles, it enables teachers to tackle complex classroom challenges. By fostering collaborative learning communities, improvement science facilitates the targeted use of evidence-based interventions and enhances teacher flexibility. It also focuses on achieving sustainable, positive changes.

Originating from the principles established by W. Edwards Deming, improvement science shows that adherence to specific management practices can improve quality while lowering costs.


The Key Principles of Improvement Science


Make the work problem-specific and user-centered

It starts with a single question: “What specifically is the problem we are trying to solve?” It enlivens a co-development orientation: engage key participants early and often.

Anchor practice improvement in disciplined inquiry.

Engage rapid cycles of Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) to learn fast, fail fast, and improve quickly. That failures may occur is not the problem; that we fail to learn from them is.

Accelerate improvements through networked communities.

Embrace the wisdom of crowds. We can accomplish more together than even the best of us can accomplish alone.


How Improvement Science is Used in Schools


Why Improvement Science is Key for Student Success

Improvement science is a methodical approach to making positive changes in organizations, but it is equally effective when applied in an academic setting.

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 Explore the Improvement Science Accelerator

Why join our school improvement network?

  • Reduce the number of students in your school with early warning indicators for attendance, behavior and course performance.

  • Embed proven improvement strategies in your context.

  • Make use of short-cycle, actionable data for classroom-based and school-wide improvement.

  • Harness the power of a network of like-minded educators across the state to accelerate improvement.


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