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Schools That Lead: Improvement Science Tools for Educators

We help educators learn the tools of improvement science to solve complex problems, so that every student learns powerfully.

On-Track for Success

Are you concerned about students falling off-track?  Worried about those who have struggled with regular attendance?  Difficult behavior?  How many kids in your school have had failing grades?

Schools That Lead is partnering with North Carolina K-13 district and charter schools to increase the number of children who are on-track for success.


Why join this Network?

  • Reduce the number of students in your school with early warning indicators for attendance, behavior and course performance.

  • Embed proven improvement strategies in your context.

  • Make use of short-cycle, actionable data for classroom-based and school-wide improvement.

  • Harness the power of a network of like-minded educators across the state to accelerate improvement.

“The improvement in attendance rates is impressive, but what Carmen talks about is the change in the culture of the school. By learning a new problem-solving approach, investing in the people in the building, and learning together, East Garner Elementary is advancing a culture of improvement.”

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Join our next cohort

The Early Bird Application FOR North Carolina schools Will Open on May 8!

If you want more information about what the work looks and feels like, listen to our podcast!

For more information, email ddiesel@schoolsthatlead.org.


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