Schools That Lead | Improvement Science Tools for Educators | Schools That Lead

Schools That Lead:

Science Tools for

We teach educators the improvement
science tools they need to solve complex problems,

so that every student learns powerfully.

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#Find out more

Who We Are

Superintendents, principals, and teachers play a pivotal role in student learning. By utilizing improvement science, educational leaders can follow a proven school improvement plan and promote a culture of academic excellence.

Schools That Lead teaches education leaders the core principles of improvement science. Our mission is to empower teachers as instructional leaders to help every K-13 student get and stay on track and to boost those students’ on-time graduation success rate. Discover how your school’s educational goals for classroom management, attendance, and graduation rate can be achieved by enrolling in the next Schools That Lead cohort.

On-Track for Success

  • Are you concerned about students falling off-track?

  • Worried about those who have struggled with regular attendance?

  • DifficultIES IN Classroom Management?

  • how many kids in your school are failing?

    Schools That Lead is partnering with K-13 district and charter schools to increase the number of children who are on track for success.

We know as early as Kindergarten who is off-track to graduate from high school.

We have the opportunity & responsibility to intervene.

together, we can do better.

 Explore the Improvement Science Accelerator

Why join our school improvement network?

  • Reduce the number of students in your school with early warning indicators for attendance, behavior and course performance.

  • Embed proven improvement strategies in your context.

  • Make use of short-cycle, actionable data for classroom-based and school-wide improvement.

  • Harness the power of a network of like-minded educators across the state to accelerate improvement.

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